1915 Sandow Model B 1 1/2 ton. All original, out of long time museum storage. Originally built in Chicago between 1914 and 1928. Featured on the cover of Double Clutch magazine. Older restoration that"s showing it"s age. I bought it after the museum closed. I was told that it ran well until the magneto shorted out several years ago. The mag was sent out for repair, but sadly the Sandows owner passed away and the mag was lost. I tracked down an original Eiseman E-4 date coded mag and had Kevin"s Magneto in Illinois rebuild it complete with new wires. The mag that was lost was not the correct one for the Sandow, as it"s mounting plate was a little higher than the original Sandow. Buyer will need to lower the mounting plate approx 1/4 and drill new mounting holes to fit the Eiseman E-4 mag. Also included is a new ceramic alignment block to attach the mag to the drive coupler. The engine hand cranks over and feels tight. I have never heard the engine run. The engine is Continental Red Seal Model N 4 cylinder. Transmission is a 3 speed Fuller & Brown-Lipe. The rear end is a worm drive David Brown with Timken Detroit axles. The truck is located near Sacramento and available for inspection most anytime. I got this information off the internet and deem it to be correct.