The Amertek, Inc. Military Adaptation of a Commercial Vehicle (MACI) 2500L is a four wheel drive 350 horsepower blown turbo charged engine with 660 gals water and 72 gallons aqueous film forming foam (AFFF).It can pump in either structural mode or crash mode. Structural mode pumps at 1000 gallons per minute and pump and roll (crash) mode is 600 gallons per min. It is governed at 2100 rpm"s. The roof turret will flow 500 gallons per minute, and the bumper turret will flow at 250 gallons per minute. Due to it having an 18 inch underbody clearance, it can negotiate an 18 inch wall, and it can climb a 60 degree incline. It has the capability to run on diesel, JP-4, JP-5, and JP-8. It will accelerate from 0-50 mph in 25 seconds with a top speed of about 65 mph.
Model: 2500L Type: Tactical Ser: B9A2Y278KD03206 Reg No: CN4712 FSN: 4210-01-193-362 Date Mfg: June 1989 Miles: 17122 GVW: 31000lb Capacity: 660 Gal Mfg: Amertek Inc Contr No: DAAJ10-84-C-A239 Tires: 14.75/80 R20 Rims: 75 psi 5 Speed Auto Transmission Silver 92 Detroit Diesel V-6
Length: 308 in Height: 104 in Width: 99 in