2011 Peterbilt 340 CAB&CHASSIS419-664-7012Top Line
2011 Peterbilt 340 CAB&CHASSIS419-664-7012Top Line
2011 Peterbuilt=$95, 0002017 Mate =$55, 000Buy together or seprateMate trailer 2017Tri-axle two lift axle30’
2011 Peterbilt 340 CAB&CHASSIS419-664-7012Top Line
20K recent work to emgine, Many new parts, new air bags all around, new fuel pump, new power steering pump,
2011 Peterbilt 340 CAB&CHASSIS419-664-7012Top Line
2011 Peterbilt 340 CAB&CHASSIS419-664-7012Top Line
New Arrivals in Heavy Duty Trucks for sale offered:
2011 International 7400 Vac-con VACUUM/JETTER COMBO Year: 2011 Make:
Truck Sales (405) 990-4590 3510 S Manning Rd. • N. E Corner of I-40 and Manning
(214) 328-5161(214) 328-5161 2004 Western Star 4900SA Drywall Crane Truc 256
Delaware Auto Truck Center Ltd Ed Bowman - 614-347-1913 2974 Marion-Green Camp