Louie Macri 865-935-8396 199 FREEMAN FARM RD. DUNCAN South Carolina 29334 15 Peterbilt 220 Vehicle
Louie Macri (865) 407-9098 199 FREEMAN FARM RD. DUNCAN South Carolina 29334 15 Peterbilt 579 Vehicle
This 2015 Peterbilt 388 with a 2000 Cottrell High Rail Trailer that was Refurbished in 2015 is Ready to Work.
Louie Macri 865-935-8396 199 FREEMAN FARM RD. DUNCAN South Carolina 29334 15 Peterbilt 579 Vehicle
Louie Macri 865-935-8396 199 FREEMAN FARM RD. DUNCAN South Carolina 29334 15 Peterbilt 220 Vehicle
Louie Macri (865) 407-9098 199 FREEMAN FARM RD. DUNCAN South Carolina 29334 15 Peterbilt 579 Vehicle
Louie Macri 865-935-8396 199 FREEMAN FARM RD. DUNCAN South Carolina 29334 15 Peterbilt 579 Vehicle
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